T-rex tries to go shovel snow in a blizzard (raw footage!)

Sometimes things just don't work out the way you want them to and you can't even get down the stairs to the snow you want to shovel.

A couple notes:
- Apparently a lot of people are assuming I'm recording a guy (or that I am a guy?) in the suit, but for the record - I am a woman, and I am in the suit
- This is just a goofy, random video that has no deeper meaning and is just meant as lighthearted relief from the overall tension in the world right now. So internet trolls: if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all :)


This isn't how I usually spend my days :) But you know what, we could all use a laugh these days, so why not? If I'm not at my day job, I'm usually working on my blog www.stressbaking.com.

Stop by and say hi!



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